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Ardipithecus, a full biped, arose approximately 5.6 million years ago. Homo habilis, although significantly different of anatomy and physiology, is thought to be the ancestor of Homo ergaster, or African Homo erectus; but it is also known to have coexisted with H. Erectus for almost half a million years (until about 1.5 Ma). Erectus is distributed in East Africa and Southwest Asia .H. Erectus is the first known species to develop control of fire, by about 1.5 Ma. Australopithecines have been found in savannah environments; they probably developed their diet to include scavenged meat.
Their living conditions had changed, Dr. Stiner and Dr. Kuhn surmised, and one cause could have been population increases that pressured their resources. Not that the region suddenly teemed with people, but where populations had been sparse, even modest increases could double or triple their numbers, forcing them to turn to lower-ranked food sources. Symbolic thinking, scientists explain, is a form of consciousness that extends beyond the here and now to a contemplation of the past and future and a perception of the world within and beyond one individual. Thinking and communicating through abstract symbols is the foundation of all creativity, art and music, language and, more recently, mathematics, science and the written word.
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A 1.5 million years Homo erectus-like lineage appears to have made its way into modern humans through the Denisovans and specifically into the Papuans and aboriginal Australians. The genomes of non-sub-Saharan African humans show what appear to be numerous independent introgression events involving Neanderthal and in some cases also Denisovans around 45,000 years ago. The genetic structure of some sub-Saharan African groups seems to be indicative of introgression from a west Eurasian population some 3,000 years ago. Many different groups of people have their own theories about the origins of humans. Science shows that human evolution goes back for millions of years on Earth.

But, with more fossils finds and better DNA evidence, we’ll be able to narrow down the range of when modern humans likely appeared. Perhaps the need arose gradually in response to stresses of new social conditions, environmental change or competition from nonmodern human species. Or perhaps the capacity for modern behavior came late, a result of some as yet undetected genetic transformation. Until recently, some researchers assumed people of African descent didn’t have Neanderthal ancestry because their predecessors didn’t leave Africa to meet the Neanderthals in Europe and Asia.
Early Humans Slept Around with More than Just Neanderthals
This is earlier than the previous earliest finding of genus Homo at Dmanisi, in Georgia, dating to 1.85 million years. Although controversial, tools found at a Chinese cave strengthen the case that humans used tools as far back as 2.48 million years ago. This suggests that the Asian "Chopper" tool tradition, found in Java and northern China may have left Africa before the appearance of the Acheulian hand axe. Anthropologists in the 1980s were divided regarding some details of reproductive barriers and migratory dispersals of the genus Homo. Subsequently, genetics has been used to investigate and resolve these issues.
Studies of haplogroups in Y-chromosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA have largely supported a recent African origin. All the evidence from autosomal DNA also predominantly supports a Recent African origin. However, evidence for archaic admixture in modern humans, both in Africa and later, throughout Eurasia has recently been suggested by a number of studies.
000 to 750,000 Years Ago: The Beginning of the Homo sapiens Lineage
While various groups of humans lived outside of Africa during this era, ultimately, they aren’t part of our own evolutionary story. Genetics can reveal which groups of people were our distant ancestors and which had descendants who eventually died out. Even as they acquired the more modern anatomy seen in living humans, the ways our ancestors lived, and the tools they created, changed as well.
Sapiens is indicated at the top of the diagram, with admixture indicated with Neanderthals, Denisovans, and unspecified archaic African hominins. Late survival of robust australopithecines alongside Homo until 1.2 Mya is indicated in purple. Homo erectus appeared about 2 million years ago and, in several early migrations, spread throughout Africa and Eurasia. It was likely that the first human species lived in a hunter-gatherer society and was able to control fire.
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Evidence has also been found that as much as 6% of the DNA of some modern Melanesians derive from Denisovans, indicating limited interbreeding in Southeast Asia. Other hominins probably adapted to the drier environments outside the equatorial belt; and there they encountered antelope, hyenas, dogs, pigs, elephants, horses, and others. The equatorial belt contracted after about 8 million years ago, and there is very little fossil evidence for the split—thought to have occurred around that time—of the hominin lineage from the lineages of gorillas and chimpanzees. The earliest fossils argued by some to belong to the human lineage are Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Orrorin tugenensis , followed by Ardipithecus (5.5–4.4 Ma), with species Ar. This migration out of Africa is estimated to have begun about 70–50,000 years BP and modern humans subsequently spread globally, replacing earlier hominins either through competition or hybridization. They inhabited Eurasia and Oceania by 40,000 years BP, and the Americas by at least 14,500 years BP.
But they are otherwise so similar to modern humans that some argue they aren’t a subspecies at all. A skull discovered at Ngaloba, Tanzania, also considered Homo sapiens, represents a 120,000-year-old individual with a mix of archaic traits and more modern aspects like smaller facial features and a further reduced brow. No scientists suggest that Homo sapiens first lived in what’s now Morocco, because so much early evidence for our species has been found in both South Africa and East Africa. But fragments of 300,000-year-old skulls, jaws, teeth and other fossils found at Jebel Irhoud, a rich site also home to advanced stone tools, are the oldest Homo sapiens remains yet found.
Sapiens is defined cladistically from the divergence from H. Neanderthalensis, 0.3 based on the available fossil evidence. Patrilineal and matrilineal most recent common ancestors of living humans roughly between 200 and 100 kyawith some estimates on the patrilineal MRCA somewhat higher, ranging up to 250 to 500 kya. Sapiens lost the brow ridges from their hominid ancestors as well as the snout completely, though their noses evolve to be protruding (possibly from the time of H. erectus). By 200 ka, humans had stopped their brain expansion. Reconstructions of climate suggest that lower sea levels created several advantageous periods for humans to leave Africa for the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East, including one about 55,000 years ago.

With more food available, the human population began to increase dramatically. Our species had been so successful that it has inadvertently created a turning point in the history of life on Earth. (3.4)(3.9)(7.3 Mya)Several of the Homo lineages appear to have surviving progeny through introgression into other lines.
Many scientists now believe there were somewhere between 15 and 20 different species of early humans alive on the planet. News and facts about animals, natural history and science. The human family tree contains several groups of important ancestors. Among these groups are the australopithecines and the members of the genus Homo. A small number of specimens from the island of Luzon, dated 50,000 to 67,000 years ago, have recently been assigned by their discoverers, based on dental characteristics, to a novel human species, H. These are proposed species names for fossils from about 1.9–1.6 Ma, whose relation to Homo habilis is not yet clear.
Through studies of fossils, genetics, behavior, and biology of modern humans, we continue to learn more about who we are. Fossils and DNA confirm humans are one of more than 200 species belonging to the order of Primates. Within that larger group, humans are nested within the great ape family. Although we did not evolve from any of the apes living today, we share characteristics with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans , as well as other apes. We most likely evolved from Homo heidelbergensis, the common ancestor we share with Neanderthals, who are our closest extinct relatives. How many years ago the modern form of Homo sapiens first existed?
It is hypothesized that we then walked over a land bridge connecting Asia and North America about 13,000 years ago, and from there, migrated south. It was not soon after walking on land that early humans left Africa, however. Only after we had been living for a long time on the continent did we finally decide to begin to move around the Earth. Scholars do not really know exactly why humans began to move from their original home, but it is believed that things like drought could have pushed early humans out of Africa in order to survive.

Human DNA is approximately 98.4% identical to that of chimpanzees when comparing single nucleotide polymorphisms . The fossil record, however, of gorillas and chimpanzees is limited; both poor preservation – rain forest soils tend to be acidic and dissolve bone – and sampling bias probably contribute to this problem. Although the narratives of human evolution are often contentious, several discoveries since 2010 show that human evolution should not be seen as a simple linear or branched progression, but a mix of related species. In fact, genomic research has shown that hybridization between substantially diverged lineages is the rule, not the exception, in human evolution. Furthermore, it is argued that hybridization was an essential creative force in the emergence of modern humans. Up until the genetic evidence became available, there were two dominant models for the dispersal of modern humans.
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